Monday 30 December 2013

SUN ILOM administration

1)))To connect:-
% ssh
The server is provided with a default Administrator account (root) and a default password (changeme) to enable first-time login and access to Oracle ILOM.

2)))Log In to the System Console:-
-> start /HOST/console [-option]
Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n) ? y
Serial console started. To stop, type #.
where option can be:
-f|force – Enables a user with a console (c) role to take the console from any current user and force that user into view mode.
-script – Bypasses the prompt for a yes or no confirmation.

3)))Set the Oracle ILOM bootmode property.
-> set /HOST/bootmode script=”setenv auto-boot? false”
4)))OS running and responsive
At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type:
-> stop /System

5)))OS unresponsive
-> set /HOST send_break_action=break
Then type:
-> start /HOST/console

6)))OS unresponsive and need to prevent auto-boot

Shut down the server from Oracle ILOM.
At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type:
-> set /HOST/bootmode script=”setenv auto-boot? false”
Press Enter.
Then type:
-> reset /System
-> start /HOST/console
7)))Redirect the System Console to a Local Graphics Monitor
ok setenv input-device keyboard
ok setenv output-device screen
ok reset-all

8)))Activate the Oracle Solaris GUI interface.
Once Oracle Solaris is installed and booted, type the following commands to display the GUI login screen
# ln -s /dev/fbs/ast0 /dev/fb
# fbconfig -xserver Xorg
# reboot
9)))At the Oracle ILOM prompt
-> start /System
Are you sure you want to start /System (y/n) ? y
Starting /System
10)))Switch to the host console to view host output.
-> start /HOST/console
Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y
11)))Power Off the Server (Oracle ILOM CLI)
-> stop /System
Are you sure you want to stop /System (y/n)? y
Stopping /System

12)))Reset the Server (Oracle ILOM)
The Oracle ILOM reset command generates a graceful or forced hardware reset of the server. By default, the reset command gracefully resets the server.
Perform a graceful reset
-> reset /System
If a graceful reset is not possible, perform a forced hardware reset.
-> reset -force /System

13)))Reset the SP
-> reset /SP
14)))Obtain the OpenBoot Prompt (Oracle ILOM CLI)
1.Log in to Oracle ILOM.
2.Change the auto-boot? parameter to false.
-> set /HOST/bootmode script=”setenv auto-boot? false”
3.Reset the host.
-> reset /System
4.Switch communication to the host.
-> start /HOST/console
Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y
Serial console started. To stop, type #.
15)))Configure the Host Boot Mode (Oracle VM Server for SPARC)
1.Log in to Oracle ILOM.
2.Determine the valid Oracle VM Server configurations on your SP.
-> show /HOST/domain/configs
3.Set the boot mode configuration, at the Oracle ILOM prompt.
-> set /HOST/bootmode config=configname
ex:-if you created a Oracle VM Server configuration called ldm-set1:
-> set /HOST/bootmode config=ldm-set1
To return the boot mode config to the factory default configuration, specify factory-default:
-> set /HOST/bootmode config=factory-default

16)))Change the Host Boot Mode Behavior at Reset (Oracle ILOM)
At the Oracle ILOM prompt,
-> set /HOST/bootmode state=value
normal – At next reset, retains current NVRAM variable settings
reset_nvram – At next reset, returns OpenBoot variables to default settings
17)))Manage the Host Boot Mode Script (Oracle ILOM)
At the Oracle ILOM prompt
-> set /HOST/bootmode script=value
You can specify a /HOST/bootmode setting and set the script within the same command
-> set /HOST/bootmode state=reset_nvram script="setenv diag-switch? true"

18)))Display the Host Boot Mode Expiration Date
-> show /HOST/bootmode expires
        expires = Thu Oct 14 18:24:16 2010

19)))Override OpenBoot Settings to Reset the Server
At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type
-> set /HOST/domain/control auto-boot=disabled
-> reset /HOST/domain/control [-force] [-script]

20)))Specify Cooldown Mode
-> set /SP/policy HOST_COOLDOWN=value
enabled – Server cools certain components before powering off.
disabled – Component temperatures are not monitored during power off.

21)))Restore the Host Power State at Restart
-> set /SP/policy HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE=enabled
enabled – When power is restored, returns the server to the state it was in before the power was removed.
disabled – (Default) Keeps the server off when power is applied

22)))Specify the Host Power State at Restart
-> set /SP/policy HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON=value
enabled – When power is applied, automatically powers on the host when the SP has been booted.
disabled – (Default) Keeps the host power off when power is applied.

23)))Disable or Reenable the Host Power-On Delay
-> set /SP/policy HOST_POWER_ON_DELAY=value
enabled – Causes the server to wait for a short time before powering on automatically.
disabled – (Default) Server powers on automatically without a delay.

24)))Specify Parallel Boot of the SP and Host
-> set /SP/policy PARALLEL_BOOT=value
enabled – SP and host boot concurrently.
disabled – SP and host boot serially

25)))Specify Host Virtual Keyswitch Behavior

-> set /HOST keyswitch_state=value
normal – (Default) The server can power itself on and start the boot process.
standby – Powers off the host, and disables power on.
diag – Host power on is allowed. This value overrides the settings of /HOST/diag target, resulting in Max POST being executed.
locked – Host power on is allowed, however, you are prohibited from updating flash devices or setting /HOST send_break_action=break

26)))Reset the Values in the SP to Default Values
1.Log in to Oracle ILOM.
2.Reset the SP to the default values.
-> set /SP reset_to_defaults=value
all – Removes all of the SP configuration data.
factory – Removes all of the SP configuration data and also all log files.
3.Power off and restart the host to complete the setting change.
-> stop /System
-> reset /SP

27)))Disable or Reenable Network Access to the SP
-> set /SP/network state=value
where value can be:
enabled (Default)

28)))Display the SP Network Parameters
-> show /SP/network
29)))Display the Host MAC Address
-> show /HOST macaddress
30)))Oracle ILOM In-band (Sideband) Management
Note - In-band connection is not recommended for server modules.

31)))Display Server Components (Oracle ILOM)
-> show components
Target              | Property               | Value
/SYS/MB/RISER0/     | component_state        | Enabled
PCIE0               |                        |
/SYS/MB/RISER0/     | component_state        | Disabled
/SYS/MB/RISER1      | component_state        | Enabled
PCIE1               |                        |
/SYS/MB/RISER1/     | component_state        | Enabled
/SYS/MB/NET         | component_state        | Enabled
/SYS/MB/NET1        | component_state        | Enabled
/SYS/MB/NET2        | component_state        | Enabled
32)))Prepare to Create a RAID Hardware Volume (FCode-based RAID Utility)
ok show-devs

ok select /pci@300/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
ok select scsi_alias

ok unselect-dev (to demove device from raid group)
33)))Create a Hardware RAID Volume
1)List the physical drives on the selected controller.
ok show-children
Target 9
  Unit 0   Disk   HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A31A 585937500 Blocks, 300 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca01622ac64 SASAddress 5000cca01622ac65 PhyNum 0
Target a
  Unit 0   Disk   HITACHI H109030SESUN300G A31A 585937500 Blocks, 300 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca01622b1f4 SASAddress 5000cca01622b1f5 PhyNum 1
2)Select one of these commands to create a logical drive from several physical disks

ok 9 a create-raid0-volume
ok a b c create-raid1e-volume
ok show-volumes

34)))Turn On the Locator LED & Turn Off the Locator LED  && Display the Locator LED State of the Server
-> set /System/locator_indicator=on
-> set /System/locator_indicator=off
-> show /System/locator_indicator

35)))Display the Firmware Versions
-> show /HOST
36)))Configure POST
-> set /HOST keyswitch_state=normal
Set keyswitch_state to Normal
-> set /HOST/diag mode=normal
-> set /HOST/diag verbosity=max
-> show /HOST/diag


        error_reset_level = max
        error_reset_verbosity = normal
        hw_change_level = max
        hw_change_verbosity = normal
        level = min
        mode = normal
        power_on_level = max
        power_on_verbosity = normal
        trigger = hw_change error-reset
        verbosity = normal

37)))Run POST With Maximum Testing

-> set /HOST keyswitch_state=diag
Set keyswitch_state to Diag
-> reset /SYS
Are you sure you want to reset /SYS (y/n)? y
Resetting /SYS

38)))Check for Faults

-> start /SP/faultmgmt/shell
Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y

faultmgmtsp> fmadm faulty
------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------- -------
Time                UUID                                 msgid          Severity
------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------- -------
2012-08-27/19:46:26 4ec16c8d-5cdb-c6ca-c949-e24d3637ef27 PCIEX-8000-8R Major

Problem Status   : solved
Diag Engine      : [unknown]
  Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
  Name           : SPARC T5-8
  Part_Number    : 12345678+11+1
  Serial_Number  : 1238BDC0DF
Suspect 1 of 1
  Fault class  :
  Certainty    : 100%
  Affects      : hc:///chassis=0/motherboard=0/cpuboard=0/chip=0/hostbridge=0/
                pciexrc=0 Status       : faulted but still in service

     Status      : faulty
     Location    : /SYS/PM0
     Manufacturer      : Oracle Corporation
     Name              : TLA,PN,NRM,T5 1.2
     Part_Number       : 7061001
     Revision          : 01
     Serial_Number     : 465769T+12445102WR
        Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
        Name           : SPARC T5-8
        Part_Number    : 12345678+13+2
        Serial_Number  : 1248DC140

Description : A fault has been diagnosed by the Host Operation System.

Response    : The service required LED on the chassis and on the affected
              FRU may be illuminated.

Impact      : No SP impact

Action      : Refer to the associated reference document at
     for the latest
              service procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.


39)))Clear a Fault
# fmadm acquit event-ID
-> reset /SYS
Are you sure you want to reset /SYS? y
Resetting /SYS

40)))View Log Files (Oracle ILOM)
-> show /SP/logs/event/list
-> show /SP/logs/audit/list

41)))Find the Server Serial Number
-> show /System

. . .

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