Tuesday, 29 March 2016


1. Login to the system as root via the network using telnet
or rlogin or via the System Controller SERIAL MGT port.

2. Change directory to /tmp# cd /tmp/
3. If there is not a subdirectory named 'images', then create it:# mkdir images
4. Change directory to ./images# cd images5. Copy the 'sysfwdownload' binary and Sun System Firmware image

(e.g. Sun_System_Firmware---.bin) from the SunSolve
site to the /tmp/images directory.6. Use the sysfwdownload utility to download the Sun System Firmware image
to the System Controller:
(In this example, we use Sun_System_Firmware-6_2_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin)
# /tmp/images/sysfwdownload Sun_System_Firmware-6_2_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin
.......... (10%).......... (20%).......... (30%).......... (41%).......... (51%).......... (61%).......... (71%).......... (82%).......... (92%)........ (100%)
Download completed successfully.7. Wait until the download completes successfully. This should take 10-15

8. Power off the system. (i.e. to standby mode).a) As root, exit the OS such that the system returns to the PROM's "ok"

# shutdown -i0
{0} okb) Access the System Controller command line interface (CLI). This is
accomplished using the console escape characters. (normally "#."){0} ok #.
sc>c) From the System Controller CLI, issue the poweroff command
(this sequence will take about 60 seconds to completely power the
server off):

sc> poweroff
Are you sure you want to power off the system [y/n]? y
SC Alert: SC Request to Power Off Host.SC Alert: Host system has shut down.

9. Make sure that your virtual keyswitch setting is not in the LOCKED position.
You can check the setting from the System Controller CLI with the following

sc> showkeyswitch

If the virtual key switch is in LOCKED position you can change that
with the following command:
sc> setkeyswitch -y normal

10. Flash update the downloaded Sun System Firmware image:sc> flashupdate -s'' is the default address for the local host.As the download process progresses, a series of periods appear across your
screen........................When the download process is finished, ALOM displays the message:Update complete. Reset device to use new software.

11. The Sun System Firmware has now been updated. For the system to use
the new firmware you must reset the System Controller.Type the resetsc command to reset ALOM.sc> resetsc
User Requested SC Shutdown

12. Power on the system controller.
sc> poweronAt the ok prompt type boot.Check the current version of the System Firmware:

sc> showhost
System Firmware 6.6.0_build_04 Netra[TM] T2000 2007/12/11 20:49Host flash versions:
OBP 4.x.build_128\*\*\*PROTOTYPE BUILD\*\*\* 2007/12/11 18:29
Hypervisor 1.6.0.build_04\*\*PROTOTYPE\*\* 2007/12/11 18:56
Netra[TM] T2000 POST 4.x.build_128\*\*\*PROTOTYPE BUILD\*\*\* 2007/12/11 18:58

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